Who we are
This is the website https://gen.heuser.pro.br which provides historical data on immigrants, their ancestors and descendants in the South ob Brazil in the 19th century.
The purpose of the website is exclusively private and not economic.
Personal data collected
This site does not require registration or login.
For control, auditing and statistical purposes, the website hosting provider and Google Analytics store data for each request made. Among others are collected:
- Browser type and version used
- Operating system
- URL accessed
- Name of the computer performing the access
- IP address (anonymized)
- Request date and time
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The visitor cannot be identified through these data. These data are not combined with other data.
Use of third party content and services
This site uses the Google Fonts service for the typography of the pages created. The provider of this data and services is Google (Privacy Policy). As a result of using these services, Google may store data about each visit in accordance with its privacy policy.
The pages of this site are published using in WordPress. This software maintains anonymous data about the visitor just to make use more fluid.
Agreement with these privacy rules
If you do not agree with the way in which data is processed on the website, please refrain to use it.